bell hooks

  • bell hooks takes on the discussion of race from a participant living real time in the concept in everyday life. As an African American and as a woman, bell hooks frequently transposes her personal experience in her writing to bring points home for the reader. In Writing for Race, hooks compiles various essays on the race topic as well as how dominion of one person over another should be addressed. This collection questions our standard, historic approach to the issue, and introduces challenge perspectives from what is supposed to now be a "post-racial" era that we live in today.
  • Yearning Race Gender and Cultural Politics
    In her book, Yearning: Race, Gender, and Cultural Politics, bell hooks dive right into her subtopics of race and gender as she wrestles with the concept of "whiteness." Detailing it as the primary root of society's hostile forces such as colonization and domination, hooks sees whiteness as both her target for her language wrath as well as the obstacle that her view of society needs to get past for equality. That, in turn, can open people to racial freedom. Later, this concept was retitled "racial class conflict." Still, it's the same issue: focuses on whitfocusescture as the reason past life is terrible, and the paradigm shift that is needed is color-based. Part of the struggle that hooks is working on in Yearning, however, is that everyone wants their sense of opportunity and equality. But from an African American perspective, there's plenty to argue the black person hasn't gotten a fair shake and still is not—Ergo, hook's argument premise.