Understanding Love as Action

“Love is often defined as a noun, yet the more astute theorists of love and knowledge suggest that we would all be better off if we used it as a verb.”

Redefining Commitment and Response to Cruelty

“Also, women have believed that enduring unkindness or cruelty was a sign of commitment, an expression of love. However, we now understand that a healthy, loving response to cruelty and abuse involves removing ourselves from harm’s way. When loving, we openly and honestly express care, affection, responsibility, respect, commitment, and trust.”

The Need for a Cultural Revolution in Perceiving Love

“If men were socialized to desire love as much as they are taught to desire sex, we would witness a cultural revolution. Imagine if society valued love as much as it does sexual desire; such a shift would surely lead to a profound transformation.”

The Role of Fundamentalism in Shaping Love and Hate

“Often, fundamentalists, whether Christian, Muslim, or of any faith, shape and interpret religious thought to conform to and legitimize a conservative status quo. Fundamentalist thinkers often use religion to justify support for imperialism and militarism, as well as sexism, racism, and homophobia. They deny the unified message of love at the heart of every major religious tradition.”

The Importance of a Loving Environment for Self-Love

“Whether we learn how to love ourselves and others depends on the presence of a loving environment. Self-love cannot flourish in isolation.”